Brand - Kumarian Press
Rural Progress, Rural Decay: Neoliberal Adjustment Policies and Local Initiatives
EAN 9781565491717 61.68 USD -
Progress of the World"s Women 2005: Women, Work, and Poverty
EAN 9781932827262 17.95 USD -
The Family Planning Manager"s Handbook: Basic Skills and Tools for Managing Family Planning Programs (Kumarian Press Library of Management for Development)
EAN 9780931816727 25.24 USD -
Guide des responsables des programmes de planification familiale: Aptitudes et outils essentiels pour la conduite des programmes de planification ... Press Library of Management for Development)
EAN 9781565490338 37.23 USD -
NGOs in International Politics
EAN 9781565492301 23.25 USD -
Managing Development: The Political Dimension
EAN 9780931816499 42.95 USD -
The New World of Microenterprise Finance: Building Healthy Financial Institutions for the Poor (Kumarian Press Library of Management for Development)
EAN 9781565490314 -
Nation-building Unraveled?: Aid, Peace and Justice in Afghanistan (Paperback) - Common
EAN 884161840954 -
Southern Exposure: International Development and the Global South in the Twenty-First Century
EAN 9781565491755 62.96 USD -
Getting to the 21st century: Voluntary action and the global agenda (Kumarian Press library of management for development)
EAN 9780931816857 -
The Two Faces of Civil Society: NGOs and Politics in Africa (Kumarian Press Books on International Development)
EAN 9781565490550 21.23 USD -
Bound: Living in the Globalized World
EAN 9781565491137 58.90 USD -
Whose World is it Anyway? Civil Society, the United Nations and the multilateral future
EAN 9780969981671 25.89 USD -
In Defense of Livelihood: Comparative Studies on Environmental Action (Kumarian Press Library of Management for Development)
EAN 9781565490208 22.59 USD