Brand - Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers
Introduction to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines
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Islam in India and Pakistan: A Religious History of Islam in India and Pakistan
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Comprehensive History of Jainism (2 vols.)
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India and Bhutan: Study in Interrelations 1771-1919
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An Introduction to the Philosophy of Trika Saivism
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Print and Power Confucianism, Communism and Buddhism in the Making of Modern Vietnam
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History of Bihar 1740 to 1772
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Introduction to Hindi and Urdu
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Portrait of a Dalai Lama: the life and times of the Great Thirteenth
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Ariana Antiqua: Descriptive Account of the Antiquites & Coins of Afghanistan
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Muslim Communities in Gujarat: Preliminary Studies in Their History
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Hymns of the Atharvaveda (2 volume set)
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The Mahabhartata: What Is Not Here Is Nowhere Else
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Temple Gateways in South India: The Architecture and Iconography of the Cidambaram Gopuras
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