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The Stupa of Bharhut
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Mining & Metallurgy in Ancient India
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Mughal Relations with the Indian Ruling Elite
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Land System in Northern India C.AD 400 C.AD 700
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Catalogue of Coins in the Prince of Wales Museum of Western India Bombay: The Sultans of Gujarat
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Basic Principles of Indian Philosophy of Language (Jadavpur Studies in Philosophy)
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Philosophy of the Bhagavadgita: A Study Based on the Evaluation of the Commentaries of Samkara, Ramanuja & Madhva
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Epistemology of Visistadvaita: A Study Based upon the Nyayaprisuddhi of Vedanta Desika
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The Great Mirror: An Essay on Wittgenstein"s Tractatus
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Fields of Victory: Vijayanagara and the Course of Intensification
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India & China: A Thousand Years of Cultural Relations
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Narrative of Various Journeys in Balochistan, Afghanistan, & the Punjab, 1826 to 1838, Kalat: During a Residence in Those Countries to Which Is Added ... at Kalat, and a Memoir on Eastern Balochistan
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History of Sufism in India- Vol. 1
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Socio Intellectual History of the Isaa Ashari Shi"Is in India, 7th to 19th Century Ad
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