Brand - Boydell Press
Illustrating Camelot (Arthurian Studies)
EAN 9781843841838 42.15 USD -
London Library
EAN 9780851150987 -
Captain Cook: Explorations and Reassessments (Regions and Regionalism in History)
EAN 9781843831006 82.03 USD -
Guidance for Women in Twelfth-Century Convents (Library of Medieval Women)
EAN 9781843842958 24.11 USD -
Arthurian Poets: Edwin Arlington Robinson
EAN 9780851155456 30.58 USD -
The Scoring of Baroque Concertos
EAN 9781843830719 89.31 USD -
Franz Schubert: Music and Belief
EAN 9781843831358 28.45 USD -
On Mahler and Britten: Essays in Honour of Donald Mitchell on his Seventieth Birthday (Aldeburgh Studies in Music)
EAN 9780851156149 32.79 USD -
The Loss of the Wager: The Narratives of John Bulkeley and the Hon. John Byron (First Person Singular)
EAN 9781843830962 28.45 USD -
The Lost King of England: The East European Adventures of Edward the Exile (Warfare in History)
EAN 9780851157856 30.78 USD -
Mediaeval Effigial Alabaster Tombs in Yorkshire
EAN 9780851150734 -
German Culture, Politics, and Literature into the Twenty-First Century (Studies in German Literature Linguistics and Culture)
EAN 9781571135124 35.65 USD -
Tours in the Highlands and Stirlingshire, 1787
EAN 9780851150192 -
Kett"s Rebellion: The Norfolk Rising of 1549
EAN 9780851150840