Brand - Amer Nuclear Society
Ans Topical Meeting on Accelerator Applications/Accelerator Driven Transmutation Technology Applications "01: November 11-15, 2001 Reno, Nevada
EAN 9780894486661 119.42 USD -
Best Estimate Methods in Nuclear Installation Safey Analysis
EAN 9780894486586 90.69 USD -
EAN 9780894481833 107.48 USD -
Protection and Management of Plutonium: American Nuclear Society Special Panel Report, August 1995
EAN 9780894485619 25.91 USD -
Fifth Topical Meeting on Robotics & Remote Systems, Knoxville, Tn, April 25-30, 1993
EAN 9780894481864 156.42 USD -
Technologies for the New Century: Proceedings of the 1998 Ans Radiation Protection and Shielding Division Topical Conference
EAN 9780894486371 161.42 USD -
EAN 9780894481482 109.30 USD -
Proceedings of the 1997 International Topical Meeting on Lwr Fuel Performance: Portland, Oregon, March 2-6, 1997
EAN 9780894486166 97.52 USD -
EAN 9780894480164 79.61 USD -
American National Standard Program for Testing Radiation Shields in Light Water Reactors (Lwr)
EAN 9789997739643 30.09 USD -
Fast Reactor Safety (Order No 2700104)
EAN 9789994279630 89.22 USD -
Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear and Hazardous Waste Management, Spectrum "96 Seatle, Washington, August 18-23, 1996
EAN 9780894486142 325.33 USD -
Third Topical Meeting on Decomissioning, Decontamination, and Reutilization
EAN 9780894486579 -
Methods of Seismic Hazards Evaluation, Focus "95: Proceedings, Topical Meeting on Methods of Seismic Hazards Evaluation, Las Vegas, Nv, 1995
EAN 9780894486067 95.65 USD