Brand - Veritas Books (Cn)
The Man in the Middle: St Laurence O"Toole, Patron Saint of Dublin
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The Promise of the Cross: Suffering, Sacrifice & the Christian Life
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Heaven Sent: My Life Through the Rosary
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The Latter Day Saints: A Christian Perspective on Mormonism
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The Challenge of Truth: Reflections on Fides et Ratio
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Looking Back to Tomorrow: A Spirituality for Between the Times
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At the Heart of Education: School Chaplaincy & Pastoral Care
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Looking Through Glass: Reflections and Prayers for Healing and Wholeness
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Communion Reflections Year B
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Gone Fishing!: Anecdotes of an Angler
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Managing With Heart: Studying Community and Voluntary Services
EAN 9781847301024 27.59 USD