Brand - Peabody Museum Harvard Un
Res: Anthropology and Aesthetics, 52: Fall 2007 (Res, Autumn 2007) (v. 52)
EAN 9780873657907 58.44 USD -
Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions, Volume 3: Part 1: Yaxchilan (Loeb Classical Library)
EAN 9780873657884 55.66 USD -
Michael Rockefeller: New Guinea Photographs, 1961 (Peabody Museum Collections Series)
EAN 9780873658065 42.48 USD -
Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions, Volume 2: Part 3: Ixkun, Ucanal, Ixtutz, Naranjo
EAN 9780873657860 53.61 USD -
Early Pithouse Villages of the Mimbres Valley and Beyond: The McAnally and Thompson Sites in Their Cultural and Ecological Contexts (Papers of the Peabody Museum) (v. 83)
EAN 9780873652117 33.65 USD -
Mariana Mesa: Seven Prehistoric Settlements in West-Central New Mexico (Papers of the Peabody Museum)
EAN 9780873651981 44.10 USD -
Res: Anthropology and Aesthetics, 59/60: Spring/Autumn 2011
EAN 9780873658621 54.18 USD -
Excavations at the Lake George Site, Yazoo Country, Mississippi, 1958-1960 (Papers of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology)
EAN 9780873652001 66.24 USD -
Res: Anthropology and Aesthetics, 47: Spring 2005
EAN 9780873658560 54.56 USD -
Artifacts from the Cenote of Sacrifice, Chichen Itza, Yucatan: Textiles, Basketry, Stone, Bone, Shell, Ceramics, Wood, Copal, Rubber, other Organic ... and Ethnology, Harvard University)
EAN 9780873656948 80.10 USD -
Excavations at Seibal, Department of Peten, Guatemala, V: 1. Monumental Sculpture and Hieroglyphic Inscriptions. 2. Burials: a Cultural Analysis. 3. ... and Ethnology, Harvard University)
EAN 9780873656900 64.48 USD -
Excavations at Seibal, Department of Peten, Guatemala, II: 1. Artifacts. 2. A Reconnaissance of Cancuen. 3. A Brief Reconnaissance of Itzan (Peabody Museum Memoirs : Nos. 1,2,3)
EAN 9780873656863 52.93 USD -
Excavations at Seibal, Department of Peten, Guatemala: Introduction by Gordon R. Willey et al.; and Ceramics by Jeremy A. Sabloff
EAN 9780873656856 60.99 USD -
Mecklenburg Collection, Part III: The Emergence of an Iron Age Economy: The Mecklenburg Grave Groups from Hallstatt and Sticna (Bulletin (American School of Prehistoric Research))
EAN 9780873655361 47.83 USD