Brand - Peter Lang Publishing
EAN 9783631458006 63.60 USD -
The Church and Healing: Echoes from Africa (African Pastoral Studies/Etudes Pastorales Africaines,Vol. 2)
EAN 9783631472279 -
Science Fiction Literature in East Germany (Ddr- Studien/East German Studies)
EAN 9780820480015 64.48 USD -
Syntax, Style and Grammatical Norms: English from 1500-2000 (Linguistic Insights. Studies in Language and Communication)
EAN 9780820483948 50.44 USD -
Highly Active Immigrants: A Resource for European Civil Societies
EAN 9780820487892 39.95 USD -
Assessing Second Language Writing: The Rater`s Perspective (Language Testing and Evaluation)
EAN 9780820476551 -
Die gebildete Unternehmung (Bildung und Organisation) (German Edition)
EAN 9783631312988 77.36 USD -
Families and Family Policies in Europe: Comparative Perspectives
EAN 9780820448183 63.95 USD -
Not a Particularly Different Voice (Studies in Law and Politics, Vol 4)
EAN 9780820439143 49.95 USD -
EAN 9780820487519 56.99 USD -
A Grammar of Gidar (Schriften Zur Afrikanistik - Research in African Studies)
EAN 9780820499079 89.95 USD -
Studies in Scottish Fiction: Twentieth Century (Scottish Studies)
EAN 9783631425411 75.03 USD -
Marie Cardinal: New Perspectives (Modern French Identities)
EAN 9780820475479 -
Europe"s Itinerant Players and the Advent of German-language Theatre in Reval, Estonia: Unpublished Petitions of the Swedish Era, 1630-1692, in the Reval City Archives (German Studies in Canada)
EAN 9783631500255 51.00 USD