Brand - Ablex Pub Corp
The Remaking of the Chinese Character and Identity in the 21st Century: The Chinese Face Practices (Civic Discourse for the Third Millennium)
EAN 9781567505559 39.17 USD -
Effective Leadership for Women and Men:
EAN 9780893911683 115.36 USD -
Finding the Words: A Rhetorical History of South Africa"s Transition from Apartheid to Democracy (Civic Discourse for the Third Millennium)
EAN 9781567506686 83.33 USD -
Educational Policy in the 21st Century, Volume 1 (Advances in Foreign and Second Language Pedagogy)
EAN 9781567504897 49.73 USD -
Literacy Across the Curriculum
EAN 9780893919153 62.64 USD -
Whole Language and the Bilingual Learner
EAN 9780893918613 51.50 USD -
The Dissemination of Spatial Data: A North American-European Comparative Study on the Impact of Government Information Policy (Contemporary Studies in Information Management, Policies & Services)
EAN 9781567503500 125.45 USD -
The Dynamics of Writing Review: Opportunities for Growth and Change in the Workplace (Attw Contemporary Studies in Technical Communication)
EAN 9781567503746 125.45 USD -
Language Policy and Language Education in Emerging Nations: Focus on Slovenia and Croatia with Contributions from Britain, Austria, Spain, and Italy (Advances in Discourse Processes S) (v. 63)
EAN 9781567504149 59.23 USD -
Reading and Recall in L1 and L2: A Sociocultural Approach (Contemporary Studies in Second Language Learning)
EAN 9781567504125 67.28 USD -
Second Language Reading and Vocabulary Learning
EAN 9780893919061 46.39 USD -
Progress in Communication Sciences, Volume 2: (Progress in Communication Sciences)
EAN 9780893910600 119.18 USD -
Progress in Simulation Volume 1
EAN 9780893916527 32.82 USD -
Writing at Good Hope: A Study of Negotiated Composition in a Community of Nurses (Attw Contemporary Studies in Technical Communication)
EAN 9781567503173 32.87 USD