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Library of Congress Classification Schedules With Adds and Changes Through 1990: H-Hj
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Class A: General Works : Library of Congress Classification Schedules : A Cumulation of Additions and Changes Through 1992 (Library of Congress ... of Additions and Changes Through 1992)
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Children"s Authors and Illustrators: An Index to Biographical Dictionaries
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International Research Centers Directory 21st Ed
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Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, and Other Word-Related Books
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Southern and Middle Atlantic States, Volume 3 (Encyclopedia of Associations: Regional, State & ... Vol. 3: Southern & Middle Atlantic States)
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Periodical Title Abbreviations by Abbreviations: Volume 1 (Periodical Title Abbreviations: Vol. 1: By Abbreviations)
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Medical and Health Information Directory, Volume 3: Health Services (Medical & Health Information Directory: Vol.3: Health Services)
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Companies And Their Brands: Manufacturers, Their Addresses and Phone Numbers, and the Consumer Products They Produce
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SUPERLCCS 2006: Class P: Subclass PN Literature (General) (Library of Congress Classification Schedule Combined with Ad)
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Encyclopedia of Associations 1990: National Organizations (Encyclopedia of Associations, Vol 1: National Organizations of the Us)
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Bookman"s Price Cumulative Index to V 1-6 (Bookman"s Price Index)
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Successful Legal Analysis And Writing: The Fundamentals
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SUPERLCCS Class B: BL, BM, BP, BQ Through 2006: Religion: Religions, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism (SUPERLCCS: Schedule Bl-Bq Religions: Hindu, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism)
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