Brand - Alta Mira Pr
The Anthropology of Global Systems
EAN 9780759111615 147.32 USD -
Transcription Techniques for the Spoken Word
EAN 9780759108431 24.97 USD -
Archaeology: The Comic
EAN 9780759103801 84.28 USD -
Aldous Huxley Recollected: An Oral History
EAN 9780761990642 79.75 USD -
Handbook of Oral History
EAN 9780759102293 136.73 USD -
Cultural Resources Archaeology: An Introduction
EAN 9780759118454 91.88 USD -
Financing Nonprofits: Putting Theory into Practice
EAN 9780759109889 92.50 USD -
Shamans of the Lost World: A Cognitive Approach to the Prehistoric Religion of the Ohio Hopewell (Issues in Eastern Woodlands Archaeology)
EAN 9780759119062 26.68 USD -
African Herders: Emergence of Pastoral Traditions (African Archaeology Series)
EAN 9780759107489 48.13 USD -
Revisioning Gender (Gender Lens Series)
EAN 9780761906162 88.00 USD -
Chiefdoms and Other Archaeological Delusions (Issues in Eastern Woodlands Archaeology)
EAN 9780759108295 37.82 USD -
Native American Studies in Higher Education: Models for Collaboration between Universities and Indigenous Nations (Contemporary Native American Communities)
EAN 9780759101241 84.92 USD -
Reflexive Ethnographic Science
EAN 9780759102750 37.34 USD -
The Anthropology of Learning in Childhood
EAN 9780759113220 82.30 USD