Brand - British Trust for Ornithology
Effects of Collisions with Overhead Lines on British Birds: Analysis of Ringing Recoveries (BTO Research Report S.)
EAN 9780903793148 24.13 USD -
Ecology of Seed-eating Birds in Relation to Agricultural Practices: Current Research and Future Directions (BTO Research Report)
EAN 9780903793513 -
The Effects on Waterbirds of Dredging at the Cardiff Bay Barrage Report for 2003/2004
EAN 9781904870326 -
The Effect of Climate Change on Bird Species in the UK
EAN 9781904870852 -
EAN 9781906204877 8.02 USD -
Disturbance Studies on Swansea Bay and the Burry Inlet in Relation to Bird Populations (BTO Research Reports)
EAN 9780903793438 16.10 USD -
Evaluation of Sampling Strategies for 1-km Squares for Inclusion in the Breeding Bird Survey (BTO Research Report)
EAN 9780903793490 8.06 USD -
Methods of Comparing Low-tide Trends for Wetland Bird Survey Count Sectors with Wider Regions: A Pilot Study for Three Water Wader Species on the Stour and Orwell Estuaries Spa
EAN 9781908581044 16.04 USD -
UK Population Estimates from the 2007 Breeding Little Ringed Plover and Ringed Plover Surveys
EAN 9781906204440 7.67 USD -
Changes in Survival and Recruitment of Oystercatchers Haemotopus Ostralegus at Traeth Lafan, North Wales, in Relation to Shellfish Exploitation
EAN 9781904870364 8.02 USD -
Britain"s birds in 1991-92: the conservation and monitoring review
EAN 9780903793483 -
Breeding Bird Survey: Report No.4 (BTO Research Report)
EAN 9781902576169 -
Producing Statistically Valid Maps of Species Abundance from UK Breeding Bird Survey Counts Using Geostatistical Analyst in ArcGIS
EAN 9781904870258 16.04 USD -
The Ranging Behaviour of Some Granivorous Passerines in Winter on Farmland: Report for the Second Season Winter
EAN 9781904870135 8.11 USD