Brand - Univ of Alabama Pr
Faulkner the Storyteller
EAN 9780817353506 30.23 USD -
An Insight into an Insane Asylum (Library Alabama Classics)
EAN 9780817356514 19.03 USD -
Toward Peacemaking: Presbyterians in the South and National Security, 1945-1983 (Religion and American Culture (University of Alabama))
EAN 9780817307592 19.69 USD -
Sounding Real: Musicality and American Fiction at the Turn of the Twentieth Century (Amer Lit Realism & Naturalism)
EAN 9780817317980 33.26 USD -
Oh, What a Loansome Time I Had: The Civil War Letters of Major William Morel Moxley, Eighteenth Alabama Infantry, and Emily Beck Moxley
EAN 9780817357566 24.51 USD -
U.S. Coast Survey vs. Naval Hydrographic Office: A 19th-Century Rivalry in Science and Politics (History Amer Science & Technol)
EAN 9780817350802 29.43 USD -
British Women Writing Fiction
EAN 9780817309824 52.49 USD -
Myth: A Handbook
EAN 9780817354374 19.82 USD -
Slavery in Alabama (Library Alabama Classics)
EAN 9780817305949 38.51 USD -
Archaeology of Southern Urban Landscapes
EAN 9780817310301 32.12 USD -
Beyond Boundaries: Rereading John Steinbeck
EAN 9780817311513 40.51 USD -
Even Mississippi
EAN 9780817350420 28.69 USD -
Enacting History
EAN 9780817317287 -
What Are Stem Cells?: Definitions at the Intersection of Science and Politics (Albma Rhetoric Cult & Soc Crit)
EAN 9780817317485 36.72 USD