Brand - Guild of Master Craftsman Publications Ltd
Paddington Bear in Cross Stitch
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Celtic Cross Stitch Designs
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Creative Log Cabin Patchwork
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Restoring Rocking Horses
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Making Board, Peg & Dice Games
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The Scrollsaw: Twenty Projects
EAN 9781861081117 -
Knitted Farm Animals Books & Dvds
EAN 9781861088468 20.99 USD -
Knitted Animal Hats Books & Dvds
EAN 9781861088246 20.99 USD -
Knitted Wild Animals Books & Dvds
EAN 9781861086709 20.99 USD -
Furniture Restoration Workshop
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A Treatise on Lathes and Turing
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Designing & Making Wooden Toys
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"Outdoor Photography": Portfolio
EAN 9781861082336 -
Celtic Backstitch
EAN 9781861083685 23.66 USD