Brand - Natl Council of Teachers
Electronic Communication Across the Curriculum
EAN 9780814113080 -
Word Weaving: A Creative Approach to Teaching and Writing Poetry
EAN 9780814158227 12.95 USD -
Standards for the Assessment of Reading and Writing
EAN 9780814102138 13.69 USD -
Go Public!: Encouraging Student Writers to Publish
EAN 9780814118627 14.73 USD -
Global Perspectives on Teaching Literature: Shared Visions and Distinctive Visions
EAN 9780814118542 -
Writing Partnerships: Service-Learning in Composition
EAN 9780814159187 34.15 USD -
Performance Approaches To Teaching Shakespeare
EAN 9780814135105 35.96 USD -
Lessons Learned from Research
EAN 9780873535267 -
The Nature and Measurement of Competency in English
EAN 9780814132623 -
Computer Conversations: Readers and Books Online
EAN 9780814108116 -
Middle Ground: Exploring Selected Literature from and About the Middle East
EAN 9780814131619 35.11 USD -
Refiguring the Ph.D. in English Studies: Writing, Doctoral Education, and Suny-Albany"s Fusion-Based Curriculum (Refiguring English Studies)
EAN 9780814139776 -
Measure for Measure
EAN 9780814106839 7.00 USD -
Cultivating Thinking in English and the Language Arts
EAN 9780814109915