Brand - Federation Press
Treaty-Making & Australia: Globalisation Versus Sovereignty
EAN 9781862871953 48.12 USD -
Renegotiating the Environment: The Power of Politics in Managing the Environment
EAN 9781862874732 42.14 USD -
Consumer Law and Policy in Australia and New Zealand
EAN 9781862879089 135.02 USD -
Sir Charles Cooper, Judge 1839-1856 and First Chief Justice of South Australia, 1856-1861: Judge 1839-1856 and First Chief Justice of South Australia 1856-1861 (Lives of Australian Chief Justices)
EAN 9781862874428 71.08 USD -
A question of balance: Natural resources conflict issues in Australia
EAN 9781862870567 -
In the Shadow of the Law: the Legal Context of Social Work Practice
EAN 9781862871571 -
Law of International Business Transactions
EAN 9781862871281 -
Plain Language for Lawyers
EAN 9781862870635