Brand - University Press of Mississippi
Evelyn"s Husband
EAN 9781604732580 32.64 USD -
Faulkner and His Contemporaries (Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha)
EAN 9781604735444 35.31 USD -
Conversations with Albert Murray
EAN 9781604738940 25.24 USD -
Rednecks, Redeemers, and Race: Mississippi after Reconstruction, 1877-1917 (Heritage of Mississippi)
EAN 9781617030369 28.65 USD -
The Fruits of Integration: Black Middle-Class Ideology and Culture, 1960-1990
EAN 9781604738957 34.88 USD -
The Heart of Yoknapatawpha
EAN 9780878051793 -
Calling Out Liberty: The Stono Slave Rebellion and the Universal Struggle for Human Rights
EAN 9781617031960 39.72 USD -
The Great Houses of Natchez
EAN 9780878053056 -
Minty Alley
EAN 9781578140008 -
Defining Travel: Diverse Visions
EAN 9781934110539 34.62 USD -
Patrick Chamoiseau: A Critical Introduction (Caribbean Studies)
EAN 9781617039508 42.20 USD -
A Cosmos of My Own: Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha, 1980
EAN 9781604731767 34.02 USD -
A Faulkner Chronology
EAN 9780878052295 37.08 USD -
The Press and Race: Mississippi Journalists Confront the Movement
EAN 9781934110522 34.80 USD