Brand - Univ Pubns of Amer
Selection of Japan"s Emergency Legislation
EAN 9780890932193 15.69 USD -
Documents of the National Security Council
EAN 9781556555923 -
Germany and Its Allies in World War II: A Record of Axis Collaboration Problems (Classified studies in twentieth-century diplomatic and military history)
EAN 9780890932049 -
Unequal Treaties: China and the Foreigner
EAN 9780890930755 -
New England Women and Their Families in the 18th and 19th Centuries--Personal Papers, Letters, and Diaries (Research Collections in Women"s Studies)
EAN 9781556556449 59.73 USD -
The Margaret Sanger Papers: Documents from the Sophia Smith Collection and College Archives, Smith College (Series 2 (Research Collections in Women"s Studies)
EAN 9781556555299 -
Documents of the National Security Council
EAN 9781556554735 1026.00 USD -
Soe: An Outline History of the Special Operations Executive, 1940-46 (Foreign Intelligence Book Series)
EAN 9780890936733 -
Right to Refuse Treatment Focus on Mental Health (Bioethics Subject File)
EAN 9789996266164 107.49 USD -
Immigration: 1989-1998 Supplement (Special Studies Series)
EAN 9781556558337 -
Text-Book in Psychology (Significant Contributions to the History of Psychology 1750-1920, Series a Orientations, Vol.6)
EAN 9780890931554 -
Papers of the War Refugee Board (Holocaust Era Research Collections)
EAN 9781556558887 -
Confidential U.S. State Department Central Files: The Far East, 1950-1954 : Internal Affairs, Decimal Nos 790, 890, & 990 : Foreign Affairs, Decimal
EAN 9781556553158 -
Central Panel System for Administrative Law Judges: A Survey of Seven States
EAN 9780890935507 22.80 USD