Brand - Education Law Assn
The Yearbook of Education Law 2012
EAN 9781565341531 69.99 USD -
The Yearbook of Education Law 2008
EAN 9781565341357 68.78 USD -
The Yearbook of Education Law 2001
EAN 9781565341029 65.19 USD -
Yearbook of School Law, 1984
EAN 9780318195490 -
Legal Aspects of Pupil Transportation
EAN 9789995622831 -
The Yearbook of Education Law 2000
EAN 9781565341005 53.29 USD -
Corporal Punishment in Schools, No. 48: Reading the Law and the Principals" Decision
EAN 9781565340763 29.09 USD -
Free Expression and Censorship: Public Policy and the Law
EAN 9781565340138 13.14 USD -
Legacy of the Burger Court and the Schools 1969 1986
EAN 9781565340268 20.32 USD -
School Administrators (Case Citation Series Vol 18)
EAN 9781565340893 39.13 USD -
Academic Misconduct
EAN 9781565340824 35.10 USD -
Violence and School Safety (Case Citations 2002, Nineteenth Series)
EAN 9781565341067 29.89 USD -
Educational Finance Law: Constitutional Challenges to State Aid Plans-An Analysis of Strategies
EAN 9781565341289 39.01 USD -
Documentation System for Teacher Improvement or Termination
EAN 9789999370356 4.93 USD