Brand - Pennsylvania State University Press
The Logic of Historical Explanation
EAN 9780271014425 75.56 USD -
EAN 9780271731209 -
Power and Policy in China
EAN 9780271005447 -
George Herbert"s Christian Narrative
EAN 9780271009155 66.56 USD -
The Rise and Fall of Democracy in Early America, 1630-1789: The Legacy for Contemporary Politics
EAN 9780271007441 -
Feminist Interpretations of G.W.F. Hegel (Re-Reading the Canon)
EAN 9780271014906 -
Conjuring Spirits: Texts & Traditions of Late Medieval Ritual Magic (Magic in History Series)
EAN 9780271018638 -
The Ideology of Genre: A Comparative Study of Generic Instability
EAN 9780271010236 -
The Effects of Mass Communication on Political Behavior
EAN 9780271005010 -
Child"s Garden: The Kindergarten Movement from Froebel to Dewey
EAN 9780271003504 -
Imagining Peace: A History of Early English Pacifist Ideas, 1340-1560
EAN 9780271016887 81.86 USD -
Hungary at War: Civilians and Soldiers in World War II
EAN 9780271032443 32.59 USD -
From Hitler"s Doorstep: The Wartime Intelligence Reports of Allen Dulles, 1942-1945
EAN 9780271028040 55.44 USD -
Engendering Democracy
EAN 9780271007847