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The Philosophical Athlete
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Louisiana: Microcosm of a Mixed Jurisdiction
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Civil Rights Litigation: Cases and Materials
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Tactics of Legal Reasoning
EAN 9780890893098 11.88 USD -
Dag Hammarskjold Revisited: The UN Secretary-General As a Force in World Politics (International Relations Series (University of South Carolina. Institute of International Studies), No. 8.)
EAN 9780890892336 -
Decedents" Estates: Cases and Materials
EAN 9781594602146 71.53 USD -
Law and Theology: Cases and Readings
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Decline of the Civil Jury
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The Ultimate Rip-Off: A Taxing Tale
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The Right to Civil Defense in Torts
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Trademark Law and Policy: Third Edition
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The Correctional Officer: A Practical Guide
EAN 9780890897003 27.46 USD -
International Taxation: Corporate and Individual
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May It Please the Court! From Auto Accidents to Agent Orange: Building a Storefront Law Practice into America\"s Largest Suburban Law Firm
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