Brand - Univ of Oklahoma Pr
Women Poets in Ancient Greece and Rome
EAN 9780806136639 28.31 USD -
Course in Musical Composition
EAN 9780806141343 46.66 USD -
Balsamroot: A Memoir
EAN 9780806133225 18.27 USD -
They Saw the Elephant: Women in the California Gold Rush
EAN 9780806124735 25.08 USD -
The American Frontier: Pioneers, Settlers, and Cowboys 1800-1899
EAN 9780806131290 25.56 USD -
Lucien Bonaparte Maxwell: The Napoleon of the Southwest
EAN 9780806118079 24.94 USD -
Carrying the War to the Enemy: American Operational Art to 1945 (Campaigns and Commanders Series)
EAN 9780806141565 -
The Greatest Gamblers: The Epic of American Oil Exploration
EAN 9780806116549 35.21 USD -
Mesoamerican Memory: Enduring Systems of Remembrance
EAN 9780806142357 52.14 USD -
Certain Young Widow
EAN 9780806100012 -
From Boer War to World War: Tactical Reform of the British Army, 1902–1914 (Campaigns and Commanders Series)
EAN 9780806144153 25.81 USD -
Community and the Politics of Place
EAN 9780806124773 20.74 USD -
Women of Oklahoma, 1890-1920
EAN 9780806129990 17.24 USD -
The Decipherment of Ancient Maya Writing
EAN 9780806132044 57.00 USD