Brand - Backhuys Publishers
Nederlandse Naamlijst Van De Weekdieren (Mollusca) Van Nederland En Belgie
EAN 9789073348332 -
Revision of the Genera of the Subfamily Sigalphinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), Including a Revision of the Australian Species (Zoologische Verhandelingen)
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Generic Revision of the Subfamily Cenocoeliinae Szepligeti (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) (Zoologische Verhandelingen)
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Pulses: Bibliography (Plant resources of South East Asia - bibliographies)
EAN 9789022010792 21.14 USD -
Fossilium Catalogus Plantae: Gymnospermae (1) (Ginkgophyta Et Coniferae) 1: Supplement Aachenia-Czekanowskiales Vol 100
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Commensal and Parasitic Copepods Associated with Marine Invertebrates (and Whales) (Synopses of the British fauna)
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Mushroom Cultivation: With Special Emphasis on Appropriate Techniques for Developing Countries
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Rural Construction in a Market Economy
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Fossilium Catalogus Plantae: Cordaitales 1: Supplement: Alatorufloria-Zamiopteris Neuburgiano Vol 99
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Selection of Technology for Food Processing in Developing Countries
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Inherent Variation in Plant Growth: Physiological Mechanisms and Ecological Consequences
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Scheduling Farm Operations: A Simulation Model (Simulation monographs)
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Theoretical Reservoir Ecology and Its Applications
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The Recent Genera of the Caridean and Stenopodidean Shrimps (Crustacea, Decapoda): With an Appendix on the Order Amphionidacea
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