Brand - Aspen Law & Business
The Community Reinvestment Act: Policies and Compliance
EAN 9780133109627 127.79 USD -
Design-Build for the Public Sector/With 2004 Supplement
EAN 9780735530119 -
Environmental Liability and Real Property Transactions: 2010-3 Supplement
EAN 9780735592988 281.50 USD -
Law and Business Directory of Litigation Attorneys, 1993-94
EAN 9780130312464 -
The Delaware Law of Corporations & Business Organizations: Statutory Deskbook
EAN 9780735541962 -
Tangible Evidence: How to Use Exhibits at Trial
EAN 9780150043669 96.33 USD -
AIDS and Drug Abuse in the Workplace: Resolving the Thorny Legal-Medical Issues
EAN 9789997341556 -
Americans with Disabilities Act Handbook: 2008-1 Cumulative Supplement/Volumes 1 & 2 (Americans With Disabilities Act Handbook Cumulative Supplement)
EAN 9780735566101 -
Regulation of Lawyers: Statutes and Standards 2005
EAN 9780735540231 -
Legal Research and Writing Handbook: A Basic Approach for Paralegals
EAN 9780316968096 -
Nlrb Representation Elections: Law, Practice & Procedures
EAN 9780136229865 84.96 USD -
Casenote Legal Briefs: Family Law - Keyed to Wadlington & O"Brien
EAN 9780735536005 -
Bank Expansions in the Eighties: Third Annual Workshop
EAN 9789993178910 30.17 USD -
The Legal Writing Handbook: Analysis, Research, and Writing (Legal Research and Writing)
EAN 9780735524873 53.00 USD