Brand - Aspen Law & Business
IP & Antitrust: Nalysis Antitrust Princ Applied IP Law 2e (2 Vol)
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Modern Real Estate Finance and Land Transfer: A Transactional Approach
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Loislaw User"s Guide
EAN 9780735550001 56.89 USD -
Computer Crime: Prevention, Detection, Prosecution
EAN 9789994678976 -
The Legal Research and Writing Handbook: A Basic Approach for Paralegals
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Mergers, Acquisitions, and Buyouts (January, 2010) (5 Volume Set)
EAN 9780735593398 -
Representing the Corporation: Supplement 2000 (Representing the Corporation Supplement, 2000. Pt 1)
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Antitrust Law Front/End Matter(96)
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Federal Telecommunications Law (2001 Supplement)
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Representing the Corporation: Supplement 1999 (Representing the Corporation Supplements)
EAN 9780131040809 97.58 USD -
2003 State by State Guide to Human Resources Law (State By State Guide to Human Resources Law, 2003)
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Americans With Disabilities Act HandbooK: 2010-1 Cumulative Supplement (Americans With Disabilities Act Handbook Cumulative Supplement)
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Multistate Bar Exam (MBE) Review Volume 2
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The Business Judgment Rule: Fiduciary Duties of Corporate Directors
EAN 9780130920812 123.92 USD