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Research in the Sociology of Health Care: A Research Annual (Research in the Sociology of Work)
EAN 9780892324927 81.56 USD -
EAN 9781559382854 85.08 USD -
The Political Economy of Human Service Programs (Contemporary Studies in Applied Behavioral Science)
EAN 9780892329588 -
Research in Sociology of Education and Socialization: Out of School
EAN 9780892327553 85.36 USD -
Advances in Global High-Technology Management: Strategic Alliances in High Technology : 1995
EAN 9781559388702 74.25 USD -
EAN 9781559386081 -
Advances in Financial Planning and Forecasting: Vol 11
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China in Books: A Basic Bibliography in Western Language (328p#)
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Advances in Strained and Interesting Organic Molecules, Volume 2
EAN 9781559384537 121.72 USD -
Advances in Early Education and Day Care
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Library Management Without Bias (Foundations in Library and Information Science, V. 13)
EAN 9780892321636 81.89 USD -
Advances in Nonprofit Marketing: A Research Annual/1985
EAN 9780892322541 81.87 USD -
Research in Law and Economics, Vol. 8: The Economics of Patents and Copyrights
EAN 9780892326549 85.36 USD -
EAN 9780892329625 76.61 USD