Brand - James Currey
The UDF: A History of the United Democratic Front in South Africa, 1983-1991
EAN 9780852558423 30.43 USD -
The African Rank-and-File: Social Implications of Colonial Military Service in the King"s African Rifles, 1902-1964 (Social History of Africa)
EAN 9780852556870 -
African Broadcast Cultures: Radio in Transition
EAN 9780852558294 -
Black Death, White Medicine: Bubonic Plague and the Politics of Public Health in Colonial Senegal, 1914-1945 (Social History of Africa)
EAN 9780852556467 16.63 USD -
Photography in Africa: Ethnographic Perspectives
EAN 9781847010537 28.90 USD -
The African Experience with Higher Education
EAN 9780852557341 -
Caribbean Economic Development: The First Generation
EAN 9780852551493 -
Foreign Aid Reconsidered
EAN 9780852551035 -
Men in African Film and Fiction
EAN 9781847015211 70.82 USD -
Collected Poems
EAN 9780852555736 47.95 USD -
Themes in West Africa"s History
EAN 9780852559963 81.91 USD -
Empire State-building: War and Welfare in Kenya, 1925-52 (Eastern African Studies)
EAN 9780852557853 25.71 USD -
Slavery and Reform in West Africa: Toward Emancipation in Nineteenth Century Senegal and the Gold Coast (Western African Studies)
EAN 9780852554449 22.51 USD -
African Perspectives on Development: Controversies, Dilemmas and Openings
EAN 9780852552216