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Le solitaire des ruines: de archeologische reizen van Jean Emile Humbert (1771-1839) in dienst van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden (COLLECTIONS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF ANTIQUITIES AT LEIDEN)
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The Legacy of Richard Wagner: Convergences and Dissonances in Aesthetics and Reception (Speculum Musicae)
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Expositiones Psalmorvm Dvae: Sicut in Codice Rothomagensi 24 Asseruantur (Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis: Scriptores Celtigenae VII) (Latin Edition)
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Les fondations scandinaves en occident et les débuts du duché de Normandie (Publications du CRAHM)
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Water for the City, Fountains for the People: Monumental Fountains in the Roman East: Function, Meaning, Identity (Studies in Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology)
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New Medieval Literatures 14 (2012)
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