Brand - Mercer Univ Pr
No Armor for the Back: Baptist Prison Writings, 1600s-1700s
EAN 9780881460919 42.61 USD -
A Hard Trip: A History of the 15th Mississippi Infantry, CSA
EAN 9780881461794 24.04 USD -
Issues of Justice: Social Sources and Religious Meanings
EAN 9780865543041 -
A Culture of Censorship: Secrecy and Intellectual Repression in South Africa:
EAN 9780865544550 17.06 USD -
Supernaturalism in Christianity: Its Growth and Cure
EAN 9780881460933 29.57 USD -
Paradise Lost: The Biblically Annotated Edition
EAN 9780881462685 21.46 USD -
The Southern Albatross
EAN 9780865546660 19.27 USD -
The Wars of America: Christian Views (Mathematics)
EAN 9780865543942 33.80 USD -
Footnotes to History: A Primer on the American Political Character
EAN 9780865549043 23.93 USD -
Undaunted By The Fight: Spelman College And The Civil Rights Movement, 1957-1967 (Voices of the African Diaspora)
EAN 9780865549760 51.98 USD -
Reading Sacred Texts Through American Eyes: Biblical Interpretation As Cultural Critique (Studies in American Biblical Hermeneutics)
EAN 9780865543850 -
Boards of Trustees: Their Organization and Operation at Private Colleges and Universities
EAN 9780865540408 -
EAN 9780865543089 38.60 USD -
HOW THEY SHINE: MELUNGEON (Melungeons: History, Culture, Ethnicity, & Literature)
EAN 9780865549838 23.79 USD