Brand - Amer Chemical Soc
Clean Solvents: Alternative Media for Chemical Reactions and Processing (ACS Symposium)
EAN 9780841237797 218.21 USD -
Controlled Drug Delivery: Challenges and Strategies (Acs Professional Reference Book)
EAN 9780841234185 106.08 USD -
Subsurface Contamination Remediation: Accomplishments of the Environmental Management Science Program (ACS Symposium)
EAN 9780841239067 196.34 USD -
Sustainable Production of Fuels, Chemicals, and Fibers from Forest Biomass (Acs Symposium Series)
EAN 9780841226432 188.98 USD -
Controlled Drug Delivery: Designing Technologies for the Future (ACS Symposium)
EAN 9780841236257 218.69 USD -
Fire and Polymers: Hazards Identification and Prevention (ACS Symposium)
EAN 9780841217799 34.81 USD -
Microfabricated Sensors: Application of Optical Technology for DNA Analysis (Acs Symposium Series)
EAN 9780841237636 130.45 USD -
Feedstocks for the Future: Renewables for the Production of Chemicals and Materials (ACS Symposium)
EAN 9780841239340 276.40 USD -
Laboratory Waste Management: A Guidebook (ACS Miscellaneous)
EAN 9780841227354 -
Advances in Cereal Science: Implications to Food Processing and Health Promotion (ACS Symposium)
EAN 9780841226364 176.34 USD -
Metal-Ion Separation and Preconcentration: Progress and Opportunities (ACS Symposium)
EAN 9780841235946 170.28 USD