Brand - British Museum Press
The Ambleside Hoard: A Discovery in the Royal Collections (Occasional Paper)
EAN 9780861590391 7.76 USD -
EAN 9780714180687 14.62 USD -
Roman Sculpture from Cyrenaica (Corpus signorum imperii Romani)
EAN 9780714112367 -
Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum: Pt. 31
EAN 9780714110806 -
The Image of the Individual: Portraits in the Renaissance
EAN 9780714108919 -
The British Museum Pocket Timeline of China (British Museum Pocket Timeline)
EAN 9780714131191 11.96 USD -
William Caxton: An Exhibition to Commemorate the Quincentary of the Introduction of Printing into England
EAN 9780714103884 9.00 USD -
Cleopatra of Egypt: From History to Myth
EAN 9780714119434 -
Painted Books from Mexico: Codices in Uk Collections and the World They Represent
EAN 9780714125190 -
Excavations at Cliffe, Kent (Occasional Paper)
EAN 9780861590698 18.00 USD -
Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum: Pt. 8
EAN 9780714110158 -
Behind the Scenes at the British Museum
EAN 9780714121963 -
The Monuments of Ancient Egypt
EAN 9780714119618 -
Greek and Roman Portraits (Classical Bookshelf)
EAN 9780714122038