Brand - Univ of Tennessee Pr
Religion In Tennessee 1777-1945 (Tennessee Three Star Books)
EAN 9780870493188 -
Women Writers and the City: Essays in Feminist Literary Criticism
EAN 9780870494161 -
Disciples of Liberty: The African Methodist Episcopal Church in the Age of Imperialism, 1884-1916
EAN 9781572330856 32.06 USD -
Camping and Woodcraft: A Handbook for Vacation Campers and for Travelers in the Wilderness
EAN 9780870495519 -
The Popular Literature of Medieval England (Tennessee Studies in Literature)
EAN 9780870494536 -
American Foreign and National Security Policies, 1914-1945
EAN 9780870495397 -
Monuments To The Lost Cause: Women, Art, And The Landscapes Of Southern Memory
EAN 9781572332720 40.83 USD -
Agee Agonistes: Essays on the Life, Legend, and Works of James Agee
EAN 9781572335745 46.50 USD -
Sexuality and Victorian Literature (Tennessee Studies in Literature Vol 27)
EAN 9780870494383 -
Teaching Wallace Stevens: Practical Essays (Tennessee Studies in Literature)
EAN 9780870498176 -
Recalling Religions: Ethnic Womens Literature
EAN 9781572331273 -
James A. Dombrowski: An American Heretic, 1897-1983
EAN 9780870497414 -
The Atomic Bomb and American Society: New Perspectives
EAN 9781572336483 39.71 USD -
The World War I Memoirs of Robert P. Patterson: A Captain in the Great War (Legacies of War)
EAN 9781572338470 28.85 USD