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A Tabulation of the Factory Laws of European Countries in So Far as They Relate to the Hours of Labour, and to Special Legislation for Women, Young Persons, and Children (Paperback) - Common
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The Law as to Enemy Property in China. Reports of the Cases Decided in H.B.M. Supreme Court for China in 1917, 1918 and 1919, and the King"s Regulations Made Under the China Order in Council, 1904, Together With an Introductory Note by Sir H. De... (Paperback) - Common
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Circular for the Information of Persons Desiring to Enter the Navy as Acting Ensigns for Engineering Duty (Paperback) - Common
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Religion as Affected by Modern Materialism: an Address Delivered in Manchester New College, London, at the Opening of Its Eighty-Ninth Session, on Tuesday, October 6, 1874 (Paperback)(German) - Common
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Life of Capt. Joseph Fry, the Cuban Martyr. Being a Faithful Record of His Remarkable Career from Childhood to the Time of His Heroic Death at the Hands of Spanish Executioners; Recounting His Experience as an Officer in the U. S. and Confederate... (Paperback) - Common
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