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The Colour of Words Easy English Grammar Using a Colour Code
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Scrum Wars: The Prime Ministers and the Media
EAN 9781550022070 17.50 USD -
Handbook of Upper Canadian Chronology: Revised Edition (Dundurn Canadian Historical Document Series)
EAN 9780919670921 -
It Made You Think of Home: The Haunting Journal of Deward Barnes, CEF: 1916-1919
EAN 9781550025125 24.59 USD -
Don"t Tell My Mother: How to Fight War on Your Own Terms
EAN 9780919614758 20.20 USD -
Alligators of the North: The Story of the West & Peachey Steam Warping Tugs
EAN 9781554887118 28.91 USD -
Intrepid Warriors: Perspectives on Canadian Military Leaders
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The View from Tamischeira
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Hostile Seas: A Mission in Pirate Waters
EAN 9781459719378 19.44 USD -
Whatever Happened to Mary Janeway?: A Home Child Story
EAN 9781459701717 23.54 USD -
At the End of the Shift: Mines and Single-Industry Towns in Northern Ontario
EAN 9781550021509 15.72 USD -
Second to None: The Fighting 58th Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force
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Reporting in Campaign: Election Coverage in Canada
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Kickstart: How Successful Canadians Got Started
EAN 9781550027839 13.30 USD