Brand - Shearsman Books
Florentino and the Devil
EAN 9781848613485 21.75 USD -
Meaning to Go to the Origin in Some Way
EAN 9781848613935 19.90 USD -
Solitudes and Other Early Poems
EAN 9781848613911 22.86 USD -
"Free Verse" as Formal Restraint
EAN 9781848613966 28.12 USD -
Essays on the Poetry of Trevor Joyce
EAN 9781848613393 28.40 USD -
Violades & Appledown (Paperback) - Common
EAN 884268586137 -
Light Paths
EAN 9781848611740 17.69 USD -
The Voice Thrower
EAN 9781848612051 14.37 USD -
London Brakes
EAN 9781848611016 21.95 USD -
The Lower Reaches (Shearsman Chapbook)
EAN 9781848613119 9.92 USD -
Cusp: Recollections of Poetry in Transition
EAN 9781848612501 17.51 USD -
The Other Side of Self
EAN 9781848612877 21.07 USD -
The Look of Goodbye
EAN 9781905700455 16.13 USD -
I-Formation, Book 2
EAN 9781848612372 16.60 USD