Brand - Mouton de Gruyter
Sociolinguistics in Hindi Contexts (Contributions to the Sociology of Language)
EAN 9783110099423 -
Sociolinguistics: Proceedings of the UCLA Sociolinguistics Conference, 1964 (Janua linguarum, series maior 75)
EAN 9789027932662 -
Language Universals, Markedness Theory and Natural Phonetic Process (Approaches to Semiotics)
EAN 9780899251233 -
English Abstract Nouns As Conceptual Shells: From Corpus to Cognition (Topics in English Linguistics, No 34) (Sammlung Guttentag)
EAN 9783110167672 139.51 USD -
Islam and Colonialism: The Doctrine of Jihad in Modern History (Religion and Society Series)
EAN 9783110134971 -
Aspects of Meaning in Thai Nominals: A Study in Structural Semantics
EAN 9789027923394 -
Subjectification: Various Paths to Subjectivity (Cognitive Linguistic Research 31)
EAN 9783110185300 159.69 USD -
Humor: Vol 17
EAN 9783110187946 -
The Basic Humor Process: A Cognitive-Shift Theory and the Case against Incongruity (Humor Research, No. 5)
EAN 9783110161038 162.62 USD -
The Europecentric Historiography of Russia: An Analysis of the Contribution by Russian Emigre Historians in the USA, 1925-1955, Concerning 19th Century Russian History (Studies in European History)
EAN 9789027925152 -
Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (Netherlands Phonetic Archives)
EAN 9783110133370 -
Cognitive Approaches to Pedagogical Grammar: A Volume in Honour of René Dirven (Applications of Cognitive Linguistics)
EAN 9783110195958 141.22 USD -
Religion Myth and Folklore in the Worlds Epics: The Kalevala and Its Predecessors (Religion and Society)
EAN 9780899256252 166.07 USD -
Phonetics and Phonology in Language Comprehension and Production: Differences and Similarities (Phonology and Phonetics)
EAN 9783110178722 133.11 USD