Brand - Mouton de Gruyter
EAN 9783110220926 160.15 USD -
A Phonological Investigation of Aphasic Speech (Janua Linguarum. Series Minor)
EAN 9789027924483 -
EAN 9789027905901 37.18 USD -
EAN 9783110220582 150.66 USD -
Recent Developments in Theory and History: The Semiotic Web, 1990 (Approaches to Semiotics)
EAN 9783110127966 -
EAN 9783110240719 149.48 USD -
EAN 9780899257952 -
EAN 9783110245868 166.44 USD -
EAN 9783110103441 175.89 USD -
New Guinea and Neighboring Areas: A Sociolinguistic Laboratory (Contributions to the Sociology of Language)
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Discussing Language: Dialogues with Wallace L. Chafe, Noam Chomsky, Algirdas J. Greimas, M. A. K. Halliday, Peter Hartmann, George Lakoff, Sydney M. ... Bouveresse (Janua Linguarum. Series Maior)
EAN 9789027927057 -
Conscience and the Reality of God: An Essay on the Experiential Foundations of Religious Knowledge (Religion and Reason)
EAN 9780899254357 55.06 USD -
The Influence of Language on Culture and Thought: Essays in Honor of Joshua A. Fishman"s Sixty-Fifth Birthday
EAN 9780899258027 114.55 USD -
Athapaskan Linguistics: Current Perspectives on a Language Family (Trends in Linguistics)
EAN 9780899252827 159.17 USD