Brand - Mouton de Gruyter
A Descriptive Grammar of Saidi Egyptian Colloquial Arabic (Janua Linguarum. Series Practica)
EAN 9783111000664 -
Eros and the Romantics (Studies in English Literature Vol, 45)
EAN 9789027902825 38.82 USD -
A Minimalist Approach to Scrambling: Evidence from Persian (Studies in Generative Grammar [Sgg])
EAN 9783119167253 -
Documenting Endangered Languages: Achievements and Perspectives (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs [Tilsm])
EAN 9783110268416 -
The Harley Latin-Old English Glossary (Janua Linguarum. Series Practica)
EAN 9783111001555 -
Covert Modality in Non-Finite Contexts (Interface Explorations [Ie])
EAN 9783119166973 -
Mouton Classics: From Syntax to Cognition; From Phonology to Text: Vol. 1
EAN 9783111185330 -
Handbook of Ottoman-Turkish Diplomatics (Publications in Near and Middle East Studies, Series a : No. 7)
EAN 9789027905130 -
Annual Review of the Social Sciences of Religion, 1980
EAN 9789995608521 29.69 USD -
The Transformational Syntax of Romanian
EAN 9783110995633 -
Literature and Folklore: Aus: American Contributions to the Seventh International Congress of Slavists, Warsaw, August 21 - 27, 1973, Vol. 2 (Slavistic Printings and Reprintings)
EAN 9783111291093 -
American Novels of the Second World War (Studies in American Literature)
EAN 9783111013800 -
A Structural Inquiry Into the Symbolic Representation of Ideas (Studies in Philosophy)
EAN 9783111271248 -
Perspectives of Irony on Medieval French Literature (De Proprietatibus Litterarum. Series Maior)
EAN 9789027932914