Brand - State University of New York Press
Existence and Enlightenment in the Lankavatara Sutra: A Study in the Ontology and Epistemology of the Yoga Cara School of Mahayana Buddhism (S U N Y Series in Buddhist Studies)
EAN 9780791401729 43.40 USD -
Understanding Korean Politics: An Introduction (Suny Series, Korean Studies)
EAN 9780791448892 -
Sounds of Valley Streams: Enlightenment in Dogen"s Zen (Suny Series in Buddhist Studies)
EAN 9780887069222 -
Weaving Ourselves into the Land: Charles Godfrey Leland, "Indians", and the Study (Native American Religions)
EAN 9780791434543 32.00 USD -
Open Boundaries: Jain Communities and Cultures in Indian History (S U N Y Series in Hindu Studies)
EAN 9780791437858 56.24 USD -
Idealism and the Endgame of Theory: Three Essays by F. W. J. Schelling (Suny Series, Intersections : Philosophy and Critical Theory)
EAN 9780791417102 29.60 USD -
Democratic Dilemmas: Joint Work, Education Politics, and Community (Suny Series, School Districts: Research, Policy, and Reform)
EAN 9780791471289 29.92 USD -
Classroom Discipline in American Schools: Problems and Possibilities for Democratic Education
EAN 9780791436172 -
We Have No Leaders: African Americans in the Post-Civil Rights Era (Suny Series in Afro-American Studies) (Suny Series in African American Studies)
EAN 9780791431368 28.00 USD -
The History of Al-Tabari: The "Abbasid Recovery (Tabari//History of Al-Tabari/Ta"rikh Al-Rusul Wa"l-Muluk)
EAN 9780887060540 66.97 USD -
Rethinking the Frankfurt School: Alternative Legacies of Cultural Critique
EAN 9780791454916 58.60 USD -
The Nature of the Early Ottoman State (Suny Series in the Social and Economic History of the Middle East)
EAN 9780791456361 32.39 USD -
Person to Person: Fieldwork, Dialogue, and the Hermeneutic Method
EAN 9780791428344 22.98 USD -
Concordance to Juan Ruiz Libro De Buen Amor
EAN 9780873953221 49.95 USD