Brand - Univ of British Columbia
The Exchange University: Corporatization of Academic Culture
EAN 9780774815703 34.09 USD -
Life in Balance?, A: Reopening the Family-Work Debate
EAN 9780774819688 35.84 USD -
Academic Freedom and the Inclusive University
EAN 9780774808088 33.94 USD -
Canada and Quebec: One Country, Two Histories
EAN 9780774806534 31.78 USD -
Justice Bertha Wilson: One Woman"s Difference (Law and Society)
EAN 9780774817325 93.63 USD -
Outline of Classical Chinese Grammar (Paperback)
EAN 9780774805414 47.68 USD -
Age, Gender, and Work: Small Information Technology Firms in the New Economy
EAN 9780774819725 30.88 USD -
Speaking for a Long Time: Public Space and Social Memory in Vancouver
EAN 9780774816991 30.94 USD -
The Hero and the Historians: Historiography and the Uses of Jacques Cartier
EAN 9780774817424 31.26 USD -
Cultural Autonomy: Frictions and Connections (Globalization and Autonomy)
EAN 9780774817608 34.05 USD -
Poverty: Rights, Social Citizenship, and Legal Activism (Law and Society)
EAN 9780774812887 32.13 USD -
Auditing Canadian Democracy (Canadian Democratic Audit Series)
EAN 9780774819206 28.07 USD -
Business of Women, The: Marriage, Family, and Entrepreneurship in British Columbia, 1901-51
EAN 9780774818148 34.17 USD -
Between Consenting Peoples: Political Community and the Meaning of Consent
EAN 9780774818841 34.86 USD