Brand - Clarendon Press
Statistical Mechanics of Phase Transitions
EAN 9780198517290 -
Commodities in Crisis: The Commodity Crisis of the 1980s and the Political Economy of International Commodity Policies (W I D E R Studies in Development Economics)
EAN 9780198283874 -
Chinese Mathematics: A Concise History
EAN 9780198581819 -
The Mammals of Nigeria
EAN 9780198575658 -
Hydrology and the River Environment
EAN 9780198741565 -
The Revolution in Ethical Theory
EAN 9780198243052 -
Lawyers and the Rise of Western Political Liberalism: Europe and North America from the Eighteenth to Twentieth Centuries (Oxford Socio-Legal Studies)
EAN 9780198262886 129.72 USD -
A Mad World, My Masters and Other Plays: A Mad World, My Masters; Michaelmas Term; A trick to Catch the Old One; No Wit, No Help Like a Woman"s (The World"s Classics)
EAN 9780198121695 -
John Henry Newman: A Biography
EAN 9780198264514 -
How We Act: Causes, Reasons and Intentions (Hardback) - Common
EAN 884154111856 -
Mammals as Predators (Symposia of the Zoological Society of London)
EAN 9780198540670 167.61 USD -
Combinatorics of Experimental Design
EAN 9780198532569 -
The French Law of Contract
EAN 9780198762553 -
British Monetary Policy 1945-51
EAN 9780198286561