Brand - Clarendon Press
John Davidson, First of the Moderns: A Literary Biography
EAN 9780198182481 -
South-East Asian Oil, Gas, Coal and Mineral Deposits (Oxford Monographs on Geology and Geophysics)
EAN 9780198542957 -
Henry James and Revision: The New York Edition
EAN 9780198128717 145.74 USD -
The Principles of Criminal Evidence (Clarendon Law Series)
EAN 9780198761037 -
Cicero: In L. Calpurnium Pisonem Oratio (Clarendon Paperbacks)
EAN 9780198721314 -
Europeans on the Move: Studies on European Migration, 1500-1800
EAN 9780198204190 130.06 USD -
A New History of Ireland, Vol. 3: Early Modern Ireland, 1534-1691
EAN 9780198202424 294.32 USD -
The Modern Greek Language: A Descriptive Analysis of Standard Modern Greek
EAN 9780198157700 -
A New Aristotle Reader
EAN 9780198750611 -
God"s World and the Great Awakening: Limits and Renewals 3
EAN 9780198242840 111.29 USD -
Reciprocity and Ritual: Homer and Tragedy in the Developing City-State
EAN 9780198149491 148.00 USD -
Mamboru: History and Structure in a Domain of Northwestern Sumba
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Satellites of the Outer Planets: Worlds in Their Own Right
EAN 9780198542902 -
Rational Expectations, Non-Market Clearing, and Investment Theory
EAN 9780198772569