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Mozarabs, Hispanics, and The Cross (Studies in Latino-a Catholicism)
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Jacob"s Hip: Finding God in an Anxious Age
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Death of Christendoms, Birth of the Church: Historical Analysis and Theological Interpretation of the Church in Latin America
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Trinity: Nexus of the Mysteries of Christian Faith (Theology in Global Perspective)
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A World of Prayer: Spiritual Leaders, Activists, and Humanitarians Share their Favorite Prayers
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Heckling Hitler. Caricatures Of The Third Reich
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Systematic Theology: Perspectives from Liberation Theology (Readings from Mysterium Liberationis)
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Who Do You Say I Am?: Concilium Journal
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Gender Identities in American Catholicism (American Catholic Identities: A Documentary History)
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Reconstructing the Common Good: Theology and the Social Order
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Comprehending Mission: The Questions, Methods, Themes, Problems, and prospects of Missiology (American Society of Missiology)
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The Missionary Movement in Christian History: Studies in the Transmission of Faith
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