Brand - Berg Publishers
Memories Cast in Stone: The Relevance of the Past in Everyday Life (Mediterranea Series)
EAN 9781859739433 80.45 USD -
Fashion Theory: Volume 4, Issue 3: The Journal of Dress, Body and Culture (v. 4, issue 3)
EAN 9781859734179 30.02 USD -
Material Religion: v. 3, Issue 1: The Journal of Objects, Art and Belief
EAN 9781845206154 -
The German Revolution of 1989: Causes and Consequences
EAN 9780854967858 -
Allegories of Exchange: Anthropology, Semiotics, Narrative, Culture (Explorations in Anthropology)
EAN 9781859731376 -
German Opposition to Hitler: An Assessment (Oswald Wolff Paperbacks. German History Series, No. 2)
EAN 9780854961191 -
The Book of Touch (Sensory Formations)
EAN 9781845200589 94.54 USD -
Communication via Clothes (Dress, Body, Culture)
EAN 9781859739303 -
Seeing and Consciousness: Women, Class and Representation
EAN 9780854969609 -
Cultural & Social History
EAN 9781847882110 -
Working Class in Weimar Germany: Psychological and Sociological Study
EAN 9780907582090 -
Cultural Politics: v. 3, Issue 2
EAN 9781845206086 -
A Cultural History of Childhood and Family in the Age of Enlightenment (Hardcover)
EAN 9781847887979 96.57 USD -
Between Art and Anthropology: Contemporary Ethnographic Practice
EAN 9781847885005 27.03 USD