Brand - A K Peters Ltd (Ma)
Song of Two Worlds
EAN 9781568814636 26.18 USD -
A Hitchhiker"s Guide to Virtual Reality
EAN 9781568813035 107.99 USD -
Symposium on Point-Based Graphics 2004
EAN 9781568813899 45.66 USD -
Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling 2007
EAN 9781568814018 -
Symposium on Computer Animation 2007
EAN 9781568813684 54.60 USD -
VAST 2003
EAN 9781568813714 -
Graphics Interface 2006 (Graphics Interface (Conference Proceedings))
EAN 9781568813080 72.62 USD -
Logic Colloquium "02: Lecture Notes in Logic 27
EAN 9781568813011 43.23 USD -
The Presidential Election Game, Second Edition
EAN 9781568813486 39.16 USD -
Puzzles 101: A PuzzleMasters Challenge
EAN 9781568812069 21.32 USD -
The Life of Numbers
EAN 9781568813257 -
How Noble in Reason
EAN 9781568812885 25.48 USD -
Graphics Interface 2007 (Graphics Interface (Conference Proceedings))
EAN 9781568813370 72.89 USD -
Geometry Processing 2006
EAN 9781568813509 49.55 USD