Brand - Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Social Dimensions of Integrated Production Pest Mgt: Case Study in Mali (People"s Participation)
EAN 9789251047774 -
Sample-Based Fishery Surveys: A Technical Handbook (FAO Fisheries Technical Papers)
EAN 9789251046999 15.25 USD -
Report of the 7th Session of the Working Party of Experts on Aquaculture: Bangkok, Thailand, 1-6 August 1988 (FAO Fisheries Report)
EAN 9789251028063 12.45 USD -
Structural Adjustment and Agriculture: African and Asian Experiences (Economic & Social Development Papers)
EAN 9789251034873 16.25 USD -
Fisheries Management (FAO Technical Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries)
EAN 9789251048979 12.60 USD -
Corrosion and Encrustation in Water Wells: A Field Guide for Assessment, Prediction and Control (FAO irrigation and drainage paper)
EAN 9789251009338 14.18 USD -
Horticulture: A Select Bibliography (FAO plant production and protection paper)
EAN 9789251001844 11.67 USD -
Animal Health Yearbook, 1986 (Animal Health Yearbook/Annuaire De La Sante Animale/Anuario De Sanidad Animal)
EAN 9789250025742 22.30 USD -
World Food Summit: Technical Background Documents 12-15 v. 3
EAN 9789251038802 30.28 USD -
Atlas of Fisheries of the Western and Central Mediterranean/F2742
EAN 9789250021980 30.09 USD -
Introduction to Food Sampling (Food & Nutrition Papers)
EAN 9789251026809 -
Yearbook of Fishery Statistics (Yearbook of Fishery Statistics/Annuaire Statistique Des Peches/Anuario Estadistico De Pesca)
EAN 9789250035246 72.34 USD -
EAN 9789287119810 15.09 USD -
EAN 880923322416