Brand - National Academies Press
An International Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage Facility -- Exploring a Russian Site as a Prototype: Proceedings of an International Workshop
EAN 9780309096881 61.61 USD -
A Review of the Florida Keys Carrying Capacity Study
EAN 9780309083461 34.49 USD -
Globalization of Technology: International Perspective
EAN 9780309038430 -
Medicare Laboratory Payment Policy: Now and in the Future
EAN 9780309072663 33.50 USD -
Conducting Biosocial Surveys: Collecting, Storing, Accessing, and Protecting Biospecimens and Biodata
EAN 9780309157063 31.89 USD -
Analysis of Cancer Risks in Populations Near Nuclear Facilities: Phase I
EAN 9780309255714 70.02 USD -
Biographical Memoirs: V.67 (Biographical Memoirs: A Series)
EAN 9780309052382 78.62 USD -
Sociocultural Data to Accomplish Department of Defense Missions: Toward a Unified Social Framework
EAN 9780309185165 32.30 USD -
Sustainability in the Chemical Industry: Grand Challenges and Research Needs, A Workshop Report
EAN 9780309096928 -
Databases for Estimating Health Insurance Coverage for Children: A Workshop Summary
EAN 9780309162401 45.07 USD -
Summary of a Workshop on U.S. Natural Gas Demand, Supply, and Technology: Looking Toward the Future
EAN 9780309089647 32.51 USD -
An Assessment of Naval Hydromechanics Science and Technology
EAN 9780309069274 35.51 USD -
Disability in America: Toward a National Agenda for Prevention
EAN 9780309043786 101.00 USD -
Demographic Change in Sub-Saharan Africa (Population Dynamics of Sub-Saharan Africa)
EAN 9780309049429 100.58 USD