Brand - Springer Netherlands
Exploration of Cortical Function: Imaging and Modeling Cortical Population Coding Strategies
EAN 9781402004360 81.34 USD -
Verb Movement and the Syntax of Kashmiri (Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory)
EAN 9789048153442 211.79 USD -
Dependencies, Connections, and Other Relations: A Theory of Mental Causation (Philosophical Studies Series)
EAN 9789048163267 199.14 USD -
Advances in Decapod Crustacean Research: Proceedings of the 7th Colloquium Crustacea Decapoda Mediterranea, held at the Faculty of Sciences of the ... September 1999 (Developments in Hydrobiology)
EAN 9789048156887 228.67 USD -
Institutions, Sustainability, and Natural Resources: Institutions for Sustainable Forest Management (Sustainability, Economics, and Natural Resources)
EAN 9789048168781 241.70 USD -
The Economics of Forest Disturbances: Wildfires, Storms, and Invasive Species (Forestry Sciences)
EAN 9789048171156 287.54 USD -
Circuit and Interconnect Design for RF and High Bit-rate Applications (Analog Circuits and Signal Processing)
EAN 9789048177509 167.24 USD -
The Apoplast of Higher Plants: Compartment of Storage, Transport and Reactions: The significance of the apoplast for the mineral nutrition of higher plants
EAN 9789048174546 280.25 USD -
The Tenseless Theory of Time: A Critical Examination (Synthese Library)
EAN 9789048155866 184.03 USD -
Advances in Robot Kinematics: Analysis and Control
EAN 9789048150663 358.23 USD -
Advances in Meshfree Techniques (Computational Methods in Applied Sciences)
EAN 9789048175338 248.99 USD -
Contemporary Reflections on Business Ethics (Issues in Business Ethics)
EAN 9789048172443 181.93 USD -
Borderless Knowledge: Understanding the "New" Internationalisation of Research and Higher Education in Norway (Higher Education Dynamics)
EAN 9789048178315 183.62 USD -
The Chemical Evolution of the Galaxy (Astrophysics and Space Science Library)
EAN 9781402016523 122.03 USD