Brand - Springer Verlag Gmbh
Shock Wave Interactions in General Relativity
EAN 9780387514598 -
Computational Mechanics of Nonlinear Response of Shells (Springer Series in Computational Mechanics)
EAN 9780387520353 -
Om Nooit Meer Te Vergeten. (French Edition)
EAN 9789031350735 23.67 USD -
In-Patient Treatment for Alcoholism: A Multi-Centre Evaluation Study
EAN 9780387506982 -
Hardware Verification with System Verilog
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Topics in Calculus of Variations: Lectures (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)
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Seeking a Richer Harvest (Recent Results in Cancer Research)
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Standard Math Interactive: Available Only As Individual Components...See Book, Pid 2603570 and Cd-Rom, Pid 2909411
EAN 9780849397011 103.00 USD -
Industrielle Kostenrechnung: Eine Einfuhrung
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Informatics for the Clinical Laboratory
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A Trading Desk View of Market Quality (Ver"offentlichungen Aus der Geomedizinischen Forschungsstell)
EAN 9780387522203 -
Ultrafast Phenomena VIII: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference, Antibes Juan-Les-Pins, France, June 8-12, 1992 (Springer Series in Chemical Physics)
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Education and Equity:International Perspectives on Theory and Policy: Educational Theory and Public Policy
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Fundamentals of Data Mining in Genomics and Proteomics
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