Brand - Institution of Engineering and Technology
EAN 9780863411205 106.71 USD -
Tenth European Frequency and Time Forum: Conference Proceedings (Conference publication)
EAN 9780852966617 -
Electricity Distribution: Conference Proceedings: Pt. 2 (Conference publications / Institution of Electrical Engineers)
EAN 9780852961803 -
EAN 9780863410437 58.80 USD -
Bs4275 Recommendation for the Selection, Use and Maintainance of Respiratory Protective Equipment
EAN 9780580083839 -
EAN 9780852968109 -
EAN 9780863412066 94.05 USD -
Properties of Amorphous Silicon (Emis Datareviews Series 1)
EAN 9780852964804 -
EAN 9780863411878 -
Singular Perturbation Methodology in Control Systems (I E E Control Engineering Series)
EAN 9780863411076 106.30 USD -
EAN 9780863412271 64.21 USD -
Electrical Machines and Drives (I E E Conference Publication)
EAN 9780852965207 -
Fourth International Conference on Dielectric Materials, Measurements and Applications, 10-13 September, 1984 (I E E Conference Publication)
EAN 9780852962961 -
Ninth International Conference on Electrical Machines and Drives Emd 99 (Conference Publication)
EAN 9780852967201 138.50 USD